Emergency Tree Removal Services

There are many reasons why you might need a tree removed in a hurry and would require emergency tree removal services.  Here in the Denver area of North Carolina we can have serious storms that can take down trees in a hurry and trees don’t decide where to land. We know it’s not always convenient so if something like that happens don’t hesitate to give us a shout at any time.

We’ve done 10 Disaster Relief Runs.  Including Sandy, Florence, Irene, Irma, Matthew, and Ida.  With that comes the experience necessary to handle any Hazardous Tree Removal.  With State of the Art Rigging Equipment and knowledge from thousands of Storm Related Tree projects across the country.  Tree Huggers will be the best suited to help you through these tough times. We also are well versed on the Insurance Claims process and their policy’s.  Give us a call today, even if only for some advice to navigate the process.  We’re here to help however we can!

The other side of it is to try to catch it in advance and take precautionary measures to identify dead or dying trees in advance.  Protect your family and property by scheduling a tree risk assessment. Our team at Tree Huggers is here to provide you with the assistance necessary to give you the peace of mind that you deserve no matter the situation.

Safe Tree Removal Service in Denver NC

Trust Us to Provide You with Prompt and Effective Service

We specialize in hazardous tree removal; we can come help with especially dangerous situations, working with care to safely remove a fallen tree. Utilizing a series of pulleys and cranes, we can get a tree off a house, power lines, or road. Our team puts a focus on safety and responds promptly to inquiries to make sure you get assistance when you need it.

Get a Dangerous Tree off Your Property

Call Our Professionals Today to Request Service

If you need tree removal services in Denver, Sherrills Ford, Huntersville, Cornelius, Mooresville or Lowesville, NC, then get in touch with the top company in the area. Our team at Tree Huggers is ready to provide you with reliable tree removal service; call today to get a free estimate and get assistance.

Our Full Range of Services

Get rid of a dangerous tree with our professional assistance.

Hazardous Tree Removal

Keep your trees healthy by working with our team.

Tree Pruning

Find out how potentially dangerous a tree is with a risk assessment.

Tree Risk Assessment and Analysis

Give tall or damaged trees more support with a cabling system.

Dynamic Cable Systems

Make sure your soil has enough air for trees to grow properly.

Soil Excavation and Aeration

Move a tree to a new location with our professional assistance.


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