Offering Professional Tree Risk Assessment to Denver, NC, and the Surrounding Areas

Worried about a tree on your property that’s potentially dangerous? Then get tree risk assessment service from the experts. At Tree Huggers, we can provide reliable service to clients throughout Denver, NC, and the surrounding areas. We’ll carefully examine any tree and give you the information you need to stay safe.

Find out Exactly How Dangerous a Tree Is

Offering Detailed Reports, Reliable Advice, and More

Our professionals will provide you with a detailed risk assessment form that will rate how dangerous your tree is on a scale from one to twenty. This rating is determined based on the structure under it, the health of the tree, neighboring buildings, and other factors. If the tree seems to be potentially hazardous, then we can provide you with advice on how to proceed or even remove it for you.

Speak to a Professional

Get Your Free Estimate Today

We have the qualifications and experience necessary to provide you with a thorough tree risk assessment. We specialize in removing hazardous trees and so know exactly what kinds of signs could point to a potential hazard. Make sure that your property is safe; if you’re near Denver, NC, then give us a call to get a free estimate.

Our Full Range of Services

Get rid of a dangerous tree with our professional assistance.

Hazardous Tree Removal

Keep your trees healthy by working with our team.

Tree Pruning

Find out how potentially dangerous a tree is with a risk assessment.

Tree Risk Assessment and Analysis

Give tall or damaged trees more support with a cabling system.

Dynamic Cable Systems

Make sure your soil has enough air for trees to grow properly.

Soil Excavation and Aeration

Move a tree to a new location with our professional assistance.


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